BURT Family Tree Philosophy
As a member of the BURT family, we want you to feel appreciated and valued. We are non-discriminatingly loving to dogs, cats, and humans. We want our extended family members and professional pet sitters to feel like they can reach out to us whenever they like. We are loyal to our Pet Pros and our families. It is our hope to provide the peace of mind you deserve, knowing your family member(s) are in the best hands while you work, play, or explore the world.
BURT’s Mission
Established in 1989, Barking Up the Right Tree has one of the longest histories of providing excellent pet care in Atlanta and its surrounding areas. We are Not your neighbor or the kid next door. We are Pet Professionals who go above and beyond. As a memBURT of our extended family you should know you can reach out to us whenever you like. We are loyal to our Pet Pros and our families. We rejoice with you when there’s a new memBURT added to the mix and we hold your hand when it is time to let go. It is our goal to provide you the ease of scheduling pet care with one call and the peace of mind knowing your family member(s) are in the best hands while you work, play, or explore the world.