Multi-Unit Community Pet Specialist

Barking Up the Right Tree specializes in servicing the High Density Residential Clients in Apartments, Condos and Assisted Living Communities.



BURT will send pet professionals to service your townhome, condo, apartment, or  assisted living community and take care of all your pet needs. We provide pet services such as regular dog walks, a break in the afternoon,  fresh water/food or change of litter box. Humans are welcome to join 😊.

BURT pet professionals go above and beyond! Because good news travels fast, so once 10 or more clients within the same community enroll for regular pet care, BURT offers special pricing for those clients, so be sure to tell your friends.

Having BURT Pet Pros ensures: loved ones are exercised, cared for and the community stays neat and poop free!

Feel free to contact the office directly for details.

Hi Rise Apartment